Sunday 23 August 2015

Playing with dictionary

Heya here are the 10 most difficult words of dictionary with their meanings!!!!!

1.) NONPLUSSED-confused about how to behave or respond 
-when the politician was questioned about his position on a tough issue, he appeared "nonplussed" and took a long time to respond to the reporter.

2.) INCHOATE- only partly in existence, imperfectly formed 
-the liability to contribute is "inchoate" only when the sacrifice has been made.

3.) CACHET- an indication of approved or superior status 
-protests against the letters "de cachet" were made continually by the parliament of Paris and by the provincial parliaments, and often also by the states-general.

4.) PANACHE- distinctive and stylish elegance, a showy self assured manner of style 
-because the band played with such "panache", everyone in the audience had a great time.

5.) INDEFATIGABLE- never showing signs of getting tired
-the director of the homeless shelter is an "indefatigable" woman who works almost eighteen hours everyday.

6.) UNCANNY- strangely weird
-the narrator's "uncanny" voice made the horror story even scarier.

7.) UNABASHED- confident person, not embarrassed
-one of the reasons for her success in this campaign was her "unabashed" belief in the innovativeness of the idea.

8.) DILATORY- wasting time, intended to cause delay
-the concert hall used a "dilatory" maze to prevent overcrowding at the main entrance.

9.) MARTINET- an individual who emphasizes discipline
-the prison warden is viewed as a "martinet" because of his strict management of the correctional facility.

10.) HOI POLLOI- the common people generally
-in one day, it's impossible to mingle with the "hoi-polloi" of Belgaria.

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